Bay Tales Online


A detail from Bay Tales Online showing a familly swimming
Detail from Bay Tales Online
by Simon Byford

Bay Tales Online is an artwork created by artist Simon Byford to present the stories from the Bay Tales project to a wider audience on the world wide web.

As the stories describe different points in history, and as the place itself is in constant flux, the bay is shown as an amalgamation of different decades, tidal states and times of day.

This artwork is not supposed to be geographically accurate or to scale.

Launch the Artwork

Click here to launch Bay Tales Online. (This artwork requires the Flash plugin.)


Design and Production: Simon Byford

Coding (scrolling pictures and moving trains): Paul Byford

Story Gathers: Gilly Adams, Sue Gill, Linda Graham

Project Director: Gilly Adams

Additional Help: Anthea Rathlin-Jones, Jay Haigh, Dan Fox and Tom Lloyd